A powerful amino acid with significant sexual enhancement benefits
Clinically researched to improve erectile dysfunction and enhance sexual pleasure
Wow MD supplements contain naturally sourced l-arginine, one of 20 amino acids that build protein. It has research support for enhancing blood circulation and promoting harder, longer-lasting erections in men. In addition, the added blood flow to the genitals heightens sexual pleasure and orgasm strength in men and women.
L-arginine has other benefits like synthesizing DNA, managing urea metabolism, enhancing vascular function, supporting heart health, building muscle, improving recovery, lowering blood pressure, rejuvenating the skin, and strengthening the immune system. Keep reading to learn the key facts about this potent amino acid.
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Getting the Facts About L-Arginine
A key amino acid that boosts blood circulation for powerful sexual benefits

What Is L-Arginine?
L-arginine is a protein-building amino acid produced naturally by the body, and you can also derive it from supplements or foods high in protein like fish, red meat, and dairy products. It improves circulation all over the body to support heart health and relieve erectile dysfunction. The added flow of blood to the penis promotes harder, longer-lasting erections to enhance sexual performance. In addition, it boosts sexual pleasure and orgasm strength in men and women.
The added flow of blood to the muscles builds mass and strength, and l-arginine can also speed up muscle recovery. In addition, it boosts collagen production to tighten the skin and smooth signs of age. L-arginine also supports a strong immune system.

Who Should Take L-Arginine?
Supplements with l-arginine are ideal for men who want a natural solution to treating erectile dysfunction, or who simply want to enhance their sexual performance and staying power. They are also great for women who want to enrich their sexual pleasure and experience more powerful orgasms. In addition, l-arginine is suitable for those trying to build muscle and improve workout recovery, enhance heart and immune system health, and promote a more youthful complexion.

What Does L-Arginine Do?
L-arginine is an amino acid that increases the production of the chemical nitric oxide, which enhances body-wide circulation to lower blood pressure, improve heart health, build muscles, speed up recovery, promote harder, stronger erections in men, and heighten sexual enjoyment and orgasm strength in both men and women.